For the time AED is used anytime, it is necessary to be maintained with available state by a AED manager.You can add the following necessary information about AED pad expiration date surely and simply to Calendar app.1, Total number of pads (if there are multiple pads which have the same expiry date)2, AED pad expiration3, Reminder date (two in total)4, AED information (location and serial number)You can input above 1 with "Enter Information" screen.You can input above 2 and 3 with "Pad Expiry Date and Reminder" screen.You can input above 4 with an "AED Information" screen.※AED information is not required.※Confirm that all pads have the same expiry date.※Validate the notification from calendar app at OS setting.※If there is any change to registered information, update it in Calendar.